Eczema Treatment in Harley Street, London

Eczema treatments by leading Harley Street Consultant Dermatologists

  • Quick and accurate diagnosis
  • Evidence-based, proven treatments to alleviate your eczema symptoms
  • Personalised skin care plans to keep symptoms under control

What is Eczema?

Eczema is a common skin condition characterised by dry, red, cracked skin. It is most common in children, affecting around one in five in the UK. The most typical form is atopic eczema, also known as atopic dermatitis, and it’s usually very itchy and uncomfortable. Generally, symptoms start in very young children, often before their first birthday, which can lead to unsettled nights.

The first signs of eczema are usually little bumps around the hair follicles and coin-shaped areas of inflammation with red and sore-looking skin. These typically occur in and around folds of skin.  Scratching the itchy areas too vigorously can cause the skin to bleed and weep before crusting over, which can be a source of pain and embarrassment for the patient.

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Eczema Treatment in Harley Street, London

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How can Eczema be Treated?

Eczema can have a dramatic impact on those who live with it daily. Topical emollients and mild steroid creams may be an effective initial treatment for some forms of eczema. However, more troublesome eczema is best managed by a qualified Consultant Dermatologist.

What To Expect From Your Eczema Consultation

All consultations are held at our clinic in the Harley Street, London Diagnostic Centre and are provided by an experienced eczema specialist.

  • Our consultants will begin by taking a thorough medical and family history and discussing your symptoms with you. This will help to understand the nature of your eczema better and to identify any potential triggers for your eczema.
  • We will then recommend an eczema treatment based on your specific condition. We will also advise on an ongoing skin care plan to help you try to avoid flare-ups in the future.
  • Your eczema specialist will outline all costs involved, giving you plenty of opportunity to ask questions before proceeding to the next stage.

Recommended Eczema Treatments

Depending on the nature of your condition and symptoms, we can recommend several treatments for eczema. Each one is designed to reduce symptoms, ease discomfort, rejuvenate the skin cells in the affected area, and some will also provide anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory protection.


A moisturising treatment which soothes the affected area, rehydrates the skin and reduces cracking and redness. Emollients also trap moisture, providing a protective layer that allows the body to repair itself more effectively.

Topical Steroids

Topical steroids can be useful for bringing severe flare-ups under control and reducing the most serious symptoms. Usually, topical steroids will only be used temporarily and in conjunction with other treatments.


Topical or oral antibiotics will usually be prescribed if your eczema skin is infected. Antibiotics in the form of creams, ointments or tablets are often used to remove the bacterial infection, which otherwise may inhibit the effectiveness of other treatments.

Phototherapy or light therapy

Phototherapy uses UVB rays to calm inflammation and reduce the redness caused by eczema. It also serves to boost vitamin D production in the skin, which helps the body to repair itself.

Systemic therapies

For severe eczema that is uncontrolled by topical treatments or light therapy, it is sometimes necessary to consider a systemic (tablet) treatment.

Frequently Asked Questions Eczema Treatment

Eczema is a long-term skin condition where your skin becomes dry and itchy. It is associated with an
immune system reaction to certain allergens and affects around one in ten people worldwide. It
causes skin rashes and areas of inflammation, especially in skin folds, and can lead to skin infections.
The most common type of eczema is atopic eczema, which often starts in childhood, affecting
around one in five children in the UK.

Several things can cause eczema. You might have skin that doesn’t retain moisture, which makes it
dry. The dryness makes it more likely to become sore or itchy. And you’re more likely to have
eczema if there’s a family history of the condition.

Symptoms include:

    • Red, inflamed skin
    • Itching (sometimes severe)
    • Dry or scaly patches
    • Cracks or oozing skin
    • Thickened or leathery skin in chronic cases

Common triggers for eczema include allergens such as pollen or certain types of food, including wheat and dairy products. Your flare-up might also be triggered by stress, allergies to plants or animals, smoking, or using skin products that are too harsh.

Some people manage their skin irritation by making simple changes such as taking shorter, cooler
showers, moisturising the skin, using skin-friendly products, and adding moisture to the air using a
humidifier. If these methods don’t help, talk to your doctor about what medication might help
improve your symptoms.

Yes, if your eczema is severe, persistent, or affecting your quality of life, a dermatologist can provide a personalised treatment plan to help manage your symptoms.

No. Although eczema symptoms include having dry, itchy skin, the condition is related to your
immune system. It’s affected by genetics, whereas dry skin might be caused by something you’ve
put on your skin or another environmental factor. But, because both dry skin and eczema have
similar symptoms, they can be mistaken for each other. While dry skin can feel tight, with flaky,
peeling, and red patches, eczema is more likely to be bumpy with oozing blisters, cracked and scaly,
and raw from scratching.

No, eczema is not contagious. It cannot be spread from person to person.

Symptoms of eczema vary from person to person, often lasting for several weeks. A flare-up might improve following treatment, while chronic (long term) eczema can come and go throughout your life. If your eczema starts in childhood, it can, in some cases, improve as you age.

Eczema can be treated with over-the-counter medication such as moisturisers and antihistamine
pills. In some cases, your doctor may advise prescription medicines such as steroids. If your eczema
becomes infected, you may be prescribed antibiotics.

Other treatments include phototherapy, or light therapy, which uses UVB rays that calm the skin and
reduce redness. This therapy also encourages vitamin D to be produced by the skin, helping it to
heal. If you have severe eczema, you may be offered systemic therapy, which involves taking
medication to manage symptoms.

A dermatologist can diagnose eczema through a physical examination of the skin and a review of your family and medical history. In some cases, allergy testing or a skin biopsy may be recommended.

Feeling stressed raises levels of a hormone in the body called cortisol, which can cause an eczema flare-up. So, if stress is one of your triggers, lifestyle changes can help.

Some people find that changing their diet can help, such as excluding dairy and soy products, gluten, sugar, yeast, and alkaline foods; or including olive oil, apple cider vinegar, manuka honey, and antioxidants. However, there is no conclusive evidence that restricting or adjusting your diet is effective.

Yes, eczema is common in children and infants, often appearing as red, irritated skin on the cheeks, scalp, or other areas. While some children outgrow eczema, others may continue to experience symptoms into adulthood.

Natural moisturisers such as coconut oil or sunflower oil can help soothe eczema symptoms. Some people find treatments containing colloidal oatmeal, evening primrose oil, tea tree oil, manuka honey, witch hazel, and calendula helpful. And, because stress can be a trigger, relaxation techniques can also help some people.

Why use the Devonshire Clinic?

We are a team of highly qualified skin experts with extensive experience in treating eczema. From our private clinic in Harley Street, we can give you a quick and accurate diagnosis, identify the specific triggers for your condition, provide treatments that are proven to work and create a personal skin care plan for the ongoing management of any symptoms. Simply contact us today to book a consultation and take the first step towards relief.

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